Best Practices for Prevention and Management
These guides offer a practical, easy to-follow guide that incorporates the best available evidence and a structured process designed to support a patient-centred and interprofessional approach to care.
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Foot health should be a major consideration for people with diabetes and for those who care for them. Foot complications in this high-risk population can lead to a cascade of negative complications, potentially resulting in loss of limb and life.
Venous Leg Ulcers
Venous leg ulcers are common and often recurrent, and result in significant economic and social burden to the patient, caregivers and health-care system. Patient health related quality of life is negatively affected, and pain management is essential.
Burns are injuries to the skin that occur when the skin or other tissues are damaged by contact with heat (scalds from liquids spilled or liquid immersion, grease or steam; contact burns; and fire, flash or flame), electricity, radiation or chemicals.
Peripheral Arterial Ulcers
This paper is dedicated to the prevention and management of peripheral arterial ulcers, specifically those of the lower extremity
Amputee Rehab Videos
Video on How to tensor wrap a stump & Pneumatic Post Amputation Mobility
Aid Fitting Tutorial
Wound Care Videos
Created by TBRHSC